Driving licence
In accordance with the withdrawal agreement, as of the 1 February 2020, British citizens without dual nationality are no longer eligible to vote or stand in local and European elections held in France.
The rules for UK driving license holders are different whether you are visiting France, are resident under the Withdrawal Agreement or moved there after January 1, 2021.
You are concerned if you are a British citizen residing in France and having a British driving license to drive in France; if you have a driving license and want to go to France for a short stay.
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Since January 1, 2021, the rules differ depending on whether you are traveling in France as a tourist or a resident:
- If you lived in France before January 1, 2021, your license is recognized for a period of one year from this date. Specific and reciprocal provisions may, where applicable, specify the procedures for recognition and/or exchange for holders of a British license residing in France;
- If you are a tourist in France, you can drive for the duration of your stay with your driving license obtained by examination in the United Kingdom. The international driving license is not necessary;
- If you intend to settle in France after the end of the transition period, or if you have not exchanged your British driving license before the end of the transition period, it will be recognized on French territory during one year. You will have to request the exchange within this period if a reciprocity agreement is concluded between France and the United Kingdom.
On the other hand, if you hold a British driving license and wish to travel to another Member state, it is recommended that you consult with the relevant authorities. Indeed, each Member state of the Union is sovereign to decide on the regulations applicable to the recognition and exchange of driving licenses with countries outside the European Union.
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